
Embracing an iterative and methodical approach, my design process harnesses the power of diverse methods, skills, and tools to drive meaningful insights, innovation, and impact. Discover how I navigate the stages of framing, research, analysis, synthesis, prototyping, and strategy to craft tailored solutions that push the boundaries of possibility.


  • Synthesis involves generating and exploring ideas to address the identified problem.

  • Encouraging creative thinking and collaboration, different perspectives and concepts develop innovative design concepts.

  • Working with stakeholders to prioritize findings based on degree of relevance, importance, and impact before investing in prototyping.


  • Creative Thinking: Demonstrating the ability to generate innovative and out-of-the-box ideas during brainstorming sessions, leveraging diverse perspectives and thinking beyond conventional solutions.

  • Strategic Thinking: The ability to think critically and holistically about the organization's goals, market dynamics, and competitive landscape to inform strategic decision-making and roadmap development.

  • Analytical Thinking: Proficiency in analyzing data, conducting market research, and performing financial modeling to assess risks, evaluate opportunities, and make data-driven strategic decisions.

  • Business Acumen: Understanding of business principles, financial metrics, and market dynamics to assess the viability and impact of different strategic options and make informed decisions.

  • Financial Literacy: Understanding of financial concepts, budgeting, and cost analysis to develop financially sound strategic plans and evaluate the financial feasibility of different initiatives.

  • Business Strategy and Innovation: Enabling organizations to align their future goals with actionable strategies and innovative service concepts.

  • Problem Solving: Strong problem-solving skills to identify challenges and develop creative solutions that address both user needs and business objectives.

  • Design Strategy: Knowledge of design principles, methodologies, and practices to ensure that design is integrated effectively within the overall strategic direction and aligns with business objectives.

  • Design Iteration: Being comfortable with an iterative design process, embracing feedback, and continuously refining and improving design solutions based on insights and critiques.

  • Visual Communication: Possessing strong sketching and visualization skills to effectively communicate design concepts and ideas, facilitating collaboration and exploration of design possibilities.

  • Communication and Influence: Effective communication skills to convey strategic plans, engage stakeholders, and build consensus, as well as the ability to influence and persuade others to adopt new ideas and initiatives.

  • Facilitation and Collaboration: Being skilled in facilitating participatory design workshops and co-design sessions, effectively engaging diverse stakeholders, users, and experts to foster collaboration, ideation, and refinement of design concepts.

  • Relationship Building: Strong interpersonal skills to develop and nurture strategic partnerships, engage with external stakeholders, and leverage their expertise and resources to drive business objectives.

  • Storytelling: Showing proficiency in creating compelling visual narratives through storyboarding, effectively communicating the user experience, scenarios, and product/service interactions.

  • Systems Thinking: Having the ability to understand and visualize complex user and task flows through flow diagramming, identifying pain points, and optimizing the overall user experience within the system.

  • Design Principles Application: Applying design principles effectively to guide decision-making, ensure coherence, and maintain alignment across the design solution, demonstrating a strong sense of aesthetics, usability, and user-centered design.

  • Entrepreneurial and Innovative: Willingness to embrace change, adapt to evolving business landscapes, and drive innovation by exploring new business models, value propositions, and revenue streams.

  • Adaptability and Openness: Being open to feedback, willing to iterate, and embracing new ideas and perspectives, demonstrating a growth mindset and a willingness to learn and evolve as a designer.

  • Project Management: Ability to manage complex projects, set priorities, meet deadlines, and coordinate cross-functional teams to execute strategic initiatives successfully.

  • Rapid Viz: Ability to quickly and visually communicate ideas, concepts, or design solutions through sketching, drawing, or other visual representation techniques, to capture and convey key design elements, aiding communication and collaboration within the design process.


  • Generating a plethora of ideas and concepts in a collaborative environment, encouraging diverse perspectives and creativity.


  • Refining selected ideas or concepts into more detailed design solutions, considering technical feasibility, user desirability, and business viability.

    [Image s2]

  • Using sketching, drawing, or digital tools to visually represent and facilitate communication and exploration of design concepts and ideas.


  • Collaborative sessions with diverse stakeholders, users, or experts to collectively ideate, refine, and validate design concepts and solutions.


  • Organizing and structuring key insights and strategic considerations to generate and evaluate innovative concepts and solutions.

    [Image S5]

  • Creating visual narratives or sequences to illustrate user interactions, scenarios, or product/service experiences.


  • Map out the sequence of steps and interactions that a user takes to accomplish a specific goal or task within a product or system.

    [Image S7a]

  • An iterative approach where solutions are continuously refined, tested, and improved based on feedback, critiques, and insights.

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  • Defining and applying design principles that guide decision-making, coherence, and alignment across the design solution.

  • Developing a roadmap that outlines the strategic direction, milestones, and initiatives for design and enterprise objectives.

    [Image S10]

  • Creating financial scenarios to assess the financial feasibility, profitability, and potential risks of a business venture or strategic initiative.
    [Image S11]

  • Identifying strategic partnerships with external organizations, institutions, or experts to enhance the organization's capabilities.


  • Exploring business models, value propositions, and revenue streams that are technically feasible, user desirable, and business viable.



  • Digital whiteboarding tools (Muro, Mural)

  • Adobe Suite (InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop)

  • Coding programs (Excel, N-vivo, Tableau, Observable, Airtable)

  • Frameworks (Value Proposition Canvas / Business Model Canvas)

  • Concept Development: Digital (Figma, Rhino, Grasshopper) and physical prototyping materials

  • Design Principle Resources (Nielsen Norman Group, Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), Inclusive Design Principles by Microsoft, The A11Y Project)
